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The Blog Cabin

Welcome to The Blog Cabin. Here, you will find musings from Camp's CEO, Jimmy Canton, and other members of our leadership team and Camp friends. We hope you'll pull up a chair and share your thoughts too. We're excited for you to join the conversation!

Stone Soup

Remember the story of stone soup, when people were tricked into bringing veggies and spices and dumping them into a big pot with a stone in it?

Camp came about like that. When small group of people stood around a pond and said “Maybe here…” I don’t think anyone realized what they were in for. The people were transformed, the place was transformed, and that was long before our future campers had ever considered “raising a little hell” in Ashford, Connecticut. 

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by Lissy Newman  |    |  Comments 

A Personal Journey

After nearly three decades of working at Camp and serving children with serious illnesses and their courageous families, I recently experienced up close and personal the daily dread and fear that so many of our Camp families experience. 

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by Jimmy Canton  |    |  Comments