Welcome to The Blog Cabin. Here, you will find musings from Camp's CEO, Jimmy Canton, and other members of our leadership team and Camp friends. We hope you'll pull up a chair and share your thoughts too. We're excited for you to join the conversation!
Even with all the trips I’d taken from Queens, New York on the bus with 30 plus other kids heading to Ashford, Connecticut, I never would have thought The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp would fill my heart so much for so many years to come.
I wish I had all the details to share - all of my counselors' names, all the names of my fellow campers, all the Stage Night performances. I wish I could go back in time and relive the excitement and energy of “Bouncing Around the Room!”
“Sad eyes, Sad eyes...everywhere you go, people’s sad eyes looking at me. That’s why I love Camp. Happy, happy eyes! Oh and I caught and kissed a fish.” - Sophie, in treatment for Leukemia, as we drove away from our first Family Weekend at The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
When we first drove through The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp gate for a spring Family Weekend, I almost burst into tears. It was emotional coming to terms with the idea that we were a family with a child with cancer and that we were visiting a camp for children facing serious illnesses.