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Camp Funding & Financials

“In the final analysis, we’ll be about as good as what people make us. And we’ll need a lot of help to get this realized. The only thing we can do is to find the people in the community that feel the way we do.”

– Hole in the Wall Founder Paul Newman

Paul Newman never wanted The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp to be reliant on him or any one funding source. While he and Newman’s Own were instrumental in building The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, they contributed only half of the funding needed to cover the initial costs of construction. The other half was generated through a fundraising campaign, which was an important first step to invite a broader community of like-hearted individuals inspired by what Paul had created to make his dream their own.

Today, while Newman’s Own remains a loyal friend and generous donor, the majority of The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp’s funding needs each year rely on the generosity of thousands of others who have followed in Paul’s philanthropic footsteps including individuals, corporate partners, and foundations. This diverse community of support is exactly what Paul had in mind when he imagined Camp. As this compassionate family of friends has grown over the years, so has Hole in the Wall’s ability to expand its service reach, from 288 campers during Camp’s first summer to now thousands of children with serious illnesses and family members annually throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. We are grateful to each member of this caring community who continue to help bring Paul Newman’s dream of “a different kind of healing” to exciting new places.

Our Financials

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is proud to report another year of strong support from our amazing donors whose generosity ensured resilience in our Camp, Hospital Outreach and Family Outreach experiences. As we look ahead towards growth and expansion in our programming and service area, we remain committed to fiscal prudence, ensuring sustainability and high-quality programming for every child we serve. Thank YOU for making this possible.

Support and Revenue

Support and revenue table for 2023 showing 16.4 million in total support & revenue


Expenses bar chart showing FY2018-FY 2023 unaudited    Pie chart of expenses for FY 2023 unaudited showing 75% for programming, 17% development and 8% general & administrative

Because of you, 2023 was another financial success. Once again, our fiscal year concluded in the positive, helping Hole in the Wall introduce new programs, expand existing services, and continue investing in staff and infrastructure to buttress the ongoing reach and growth of Camp.