Helping Hands Workday Program
Activate company employees with a unique and compelling volunteer experience at The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.

Schedule a Helping Hands Workday to help prepare the Camp’s beautiful 300-acre site for the arrival of campers and families. Our corporate partners have used this unique program as a remarkable teambuilding opportunity.
Camp’s Helping Hands Workdays are held during the week from March through November. Volunteer tasks and projects include: landscaping, housekeeping, cabin preparation, trail maintenance, painting, spreading mulch, mending fences, and organizing program areas.
Helping Hands Workdays generally run from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Camp provides lunch and Camp tours. Teams are limited to no more than 25 people.
Camp reserves special workday projects and multiple dates for corporate partners who make a significant financial impact on the mission of Camp to provide a safe and joyful experience for the children and families in our care.
Reservations and Contact Information
For more information, contact Andrea Keefe, Director, Community and Corporate Partnerships via email or at (203) 745.2714.