Who Can Attend

Camper eligibility for Family Weekends and Rare Disease Weekends (Spring / Fall)

Family Weekends:

Piano Fun

Families with a child(ren) between the ages of 5 and 15 who is affected by a serious illness that Camp is serving for that weekend.  Families attend with their child.

Disease Specific weekends include:

Rare Disease Weekends:

These weekends, one in the Spring and one in the Fall, are designed for families of children with some rare diseases.  These children often require unique and complex medical care that we currently do not serve during our summer sessions. The entire family attends with their child.

*Rare Diseases are classified as such by the National Institute of Health (NIH). The list is very extensive and not absolute. The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp uses select criteria to determine eligibility based on information provided by the NIH, the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) and medical specialists in our region. To determine eligibility, please contact our medical director, Dr. Dave Nelson, at (860) 429.3444.

Note: Participation in a Family Weekend, including Rare Disease weekends, does not make a camper eligible for summer sessions.  Please see our list of eligible diagnosis for summer sessions